We have your backs, barns and bottom lines
At Liphatech Ag, we’re dedicated to helping farmers and producers like you succeed. Our industry-leading arsenal of agricultural pest control products and our team of highly experienced ag professionals are here to help secure your output.

Great Bait Rollback Promotion
Save BIG when you buy a minimum of 5 pails or bags of select Liphatech rodenticides between August 15, 2024 and November 30, 2024. Stock up now before the rodents infest your farm! Click the button below for more details.

Featured products

Rozol® Pocket Gopher Bait Burrow Builder Formula (RUP)
Pocket gophers are small pests that can cause big problems. Whether it’s irrigated alfalfa, orchards, groves or other locations as listed on the label, pocket gophers can cause headaches for all types of producers. Rozol® Pocket Gopher Bait (PGB) Burrow Builder Formula gives you the ability to protect more acres in less time. When applied through a mechanical burrow builder or by hand baiting, this bait can be used to help control an active infestation or to prevent one from happening. Rozol Pocket Gopher Bait Burrow Builder Formula is a Restricted Use Pesticide (RUP).

Registered for use in Canada. Take indoor mouse control into your own hands with the Mhouse™ Refillable Bait Station. Labeled for indoor domestic use, each Mhouse package comes with one (1) reusable Aegis® Clear Lid Mouse Bait Station and twelve (12) 20-gram bait blocks. The bait station features a lockable lid. When used as directed, the bait station is resistant to tampering by children. Bait blocks include 50 ppm chlorophacinone, which is an active ingredient exclusive to Liphatech to help control mice.

Hombre® Bait
Hombre® Bait is available as mini blocks, bulk pellets and pellets place packs, giving you flexibility to address rat and mouse infestations in tight spaces unique to your barns and production buildings, including underneath floor slats and in attic crawlspaces where rodents thrive. Hombre is a rodenticide formulated with difethialone, a second-generation anticoagulant that begins to control mice and rats starting 4 to 5 days after they consume a lethal dose.

Cannon II® Bait
Cannon II® Bait controls rat and mouse infestations with the active ingredient bromethalin. It’s an effective tool for anticoagulant-resistant populations or to break up anticoagulant cycles. This bait kills mice and rats in two or more days after consumption of a lethal dose. The soft bait pouches and mini blocks are available in 4-pound bags or pails, which are the ideal size for baiting in broiler, turkey or hog operations during depopulation or cleanout.

Aegis Risk Reducer
Reduce the risk of bait exposure to non-target animals on your operation with the Aegis® Risk Reducer: a bait station insert designed to lessen rodenticide crumb-out. To help prevent crumb-out, the Risk Reducer features a slotted grate and exit barriers that brush rodenticide debris into a catch basin. Both the slotted grate and catch basin are removable for easy clean up. Compatible only with Aegis®-RP Bait Stations.
Rotation works

Pest Identification
Understanding the pest you’re facing is the first step toward effective pest control. Pinpoint the culprit and access valuable tips and solutions on how to deal with them effectively.
Slug counts from baiting and trapping on the surface represent only a fraction of the total population. Slugs are hermaphrodites, and a single pair can hatch between 50 and 150 eggs every 4 to 6 weeks.
Snails are prolific breeders. They are hermaphrodites, and a single pair of snails can hatch between 50 and 150 eggs every 4 to 6 weeks. Without proper control, snail populations can expand fast and wreak havoc on your productivity.
Prairie Dogs
Prairie dogs are unwelcome companions in pastures and cattle grazing ranges. They compete with livestock for forage and have long-term impacts on land quality and value.
Although tiny, voles can be destructive. Voles damage trees and hinder seed emergence. Reducing vole populations in border areas and buffer strips is critical to protecting orchards and fields.
Ground Squirrels
Ground squirrels damage many food-bearing and ornamental plants, including grains, pulse and seed crops, as well as nut and fruit trees. Whether burrowing, gnawing or otherwise bothering, ground squirrels can cause serious problems for producers.
Pocket Gophers
Pocket gophers can cause substantial damage to fields, forages, utilities and irrigation lines. These small creatures can create big issues for agricultural operations.
Rats can cause serious problems for egg, poultry and pork producers. From feed loss to biosecurity issues in barns, rodent problems can affect your bottom line.
The house mouse makes itself at home in agricultural facilities and cultivated fields, threatening production loss and biosecurity issues. They are highly adaptable, so controlling mice in barns, poultry houses, feed storage and the outdoors is a complex task.