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Effective Mouse Control

Aegis Mouse Bait Station

About this product

The Aegis® Mouse Bait Station houses up to two rodenticide blocks or soft bait pouches. The lockable lid provides added security for children and non-target animals while the durable plastic housing protects bait from the elements. Stations can be mounted vertically or horizontally.

Aegis mouse bait station

Know your pest


The house mouse makes itself at home in agricultural facilities and cultivated fields, threatening production loss and biosecurity issues. They are highly adaptable, so controlling mice in barns, poultry houses, feed storage and the outdoors is a complex task.


For best results, place the Aegis® Mouse Bait Station along walls, in corners, near gnawed openings, between floors or walls, or in locations where you’ve seen house mice or their signs. To encourage mice to consume the bait, remove as much alternative food from surrounding areas as possible. It’s also recommended to maintain an uninterrupted supply of fresh bait until signs of mouse activity cease or maintain permanent bait placements. Can be used indoors or outdoors.


  • Houses two rodenticide blocks or soft bait pouches.
  • SecurePoint™ Technology holds blocks or soft bait tight in station.
  • Anchoring holes for securing the station to floors, walls or pipes.
  • Universal key locking system prevents access by non-target animals and children.
  • Available in a clear lid model with rotating hinges or a solid black model with living hinge.
  • Clear lid model makes bait monitoring easy and efficient.

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