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Safety Measures

Prairie Dog Stewardship

Minimizing risks to nontarget species

Utilizing Rozol® Prairie Dog Bait (PDB) for the management of black-tailed prairie dogs requires implementing measures to safeguard other species inhabiting the same environment. Applicators are required by the product label. Check the Bulletins Live! Two website no more than 6 months prior to application for any specific limitations on the use of the product at their potential treatment site. We are dedicated to informing users about these obligations outlined in the “Biological Opinion for Rozol Use on Black-tailed Prairie Dogs” (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 2012).

Product Training

To minimize risks to threatened and endangered species, we organize annual product stewardship training sessions. These sessions delve into crucial topics such as understanding label instructions for pre-application site assessment and employing proper bait application techniques. In addition, we cover post-application line transect survey methods aimed at locating and appropriately disposing of carcasses of black-tailed prairie dogs.

Rozol® Prairie Dog Bait (PDB) (EPA Reg.#7173-286) is a Restricted Use Pesticide (RUP) approved for use by state certified pesticide applicators in CO, KS, MT, ND, NE, NM, OK, SD, TX & WY. Application is restricted to the period from October 1st through March 15th unless otherwise specified in Endangered Species Bulletins. 

It is a federal offense to use any pesticide in a manner that results in the death of a threatened or endangered species. Use of Rozol® PDB may pose a hazard to threatened or endangered species. 

 When using Rozol® PDB, you must follow the measures contained in the Endangered Species Protection Bulletin valid for the area and month in which you are applying the product. Because Bulletins may change, it is mandatory to access them no more than 6 months prior to planned Rozol® use. 

 You can access Bulletins on the EPA website or by calling 1-844-447-3813. 

Black-Footed Ferrets

No baiting is allowed in re-introduction areas of black-footed ferrets. If ferrets are found at any time before, during or after application, or during carcass searches, the US Fish & Wildlife Service’s Black-Footed Ferret Coordinator must be contacted immediately at 970-897-2730 x224. Sufficient time must be allowed for the capture and relocation of the black-footed ferret(s) before Rozol PDB application.

Northern Aplomado Falcon

In specific counties of New Mexico and Texas (indicated in red on this map), the USFWS must be contacted prior to baiting to find out where Northern Aplomado falcons occur in the county. Before bait application, a message must be left with the USFWS (New Mexico, 505-346-2525; Texas, 817-277-1100) including your name and phone number. If the USFWS does not respond within 3 days, application of bait can proceed.

Other Endangered Species

  • Grizzly Bear: Delayed start December 1st (after hibernation); early end date March 1st 
  • New Mexico endangered species: Black-footed ferret, Northern Aplomado falcon, Mexican gray wolf, Mexican spotted owl, Chiricahua leopard frog, jaguar, New Mexican ridge-nosed rattlesnake 

Tribal Lands and Indian Reservations

Rozol® PDB can NOT be applied within the Blackfeet, Crow, Ft. Belknap or Northern Cheyenne Reservations of Montana, or within the Cheyenne River, Lower Brule or Rosebud Reservations in South Dakota. 

This is only a partial list. For a full list, consult the EPA’s Endangered Species Protection Bulletins website. It’s the responsibility of the user to read and follow all label directions.

Custom Application

If you require BTPD management on extensive acreage, or have limited manpower or time to complete treatment, please contact us for help. We will answer questions, and, if you are not licensed, we can put you in contact with certified pesticide applicators specialized in black-tailed prairie dog management. They have attended stewardship meetings, thoroughly understand proper application techniques and use the latest equipment and baiting technology to ensure compliance with environmental and pesticide regulations.