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NoTox™ is a non-toxic bait which can be used for monitoring rodent activity in and around cropland and agricultural buildings. The unique triangular mini blocks are designed to help identify gnaw marks and determine which species are present. Each block contains a red dye that is highly visible in rodent droppings, creating another point of rodent identification. Using NoTox is a great way to help inform your rodenticide baiting strategy.
Although tiny, voles can be destructive. Voles damage trees and hinder seed emergence. Reducing vole populations in border areas and buffer strips is critical to protecting orchards and fields.
Rats can cause serious problems for egg, poultry and pork producers. From feed loss to biosecurity issues in barns, rodent problems can affect your bottom line.
The house mouse makes itself at home in agricultural facilities and cultivated fields, threatening production loss and biosecurity issues. They are highly adaptable, so controlling mice in barns, poultry houses, feed storage and the outdoors is a complex task.
Using NoTox for rodent monitoring is a cost effective and convenient way to determine when and where to implement a baiting strategy. With NoTox, you’ll spend less time hunting for burrows and resetting sprung taps. If voles, rats or mice are detected, replace NoTox with a toxic bait approved for use in crop border areas, such as BorderLine® (RUP).